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Kiev Sights | Andrew's Descent
Individual and group tours to Kiev

Ukraine Kiev Sights - Andrew's Descent
Andrew's descent - is one of the most legendary and ancient streets of Kiev. On this street there are architectural masterpieces such as St.Andrew's Church, Castle of Richard the Lionheart, "One Street" museum, museum of Bulgakov.

History of Andrew's Descent begins with Kievan Rus. This street connected Upper Town and Lower Town (Podol) and was considered the shortest path between them. The street was so narrow that can move around only riders and pedestrians. In the XVIII century Andrew's Descent widened making possible to pass by carts drawn by oxen.

On Andew's descent was born very interesting saying "What has fallen - it was gone". On the top of Andew's descent was customs office and merchants who wanted to go down to Podol had to pay a fee which is appointed on the one cart. Merchants who decided to cut the cost of goods transportation on Andrew's descent - overloaded the carts. As Andrew's Descent has a strong bias overloaded carts were overturned and the fallen goods from the pavement is remitted to Kiev Treasury. Merchants often complained about this "taxes" and was replied: "Do not cheat! What has fallen - it was gone".

With the name of Andrew's descent associated with many legends but there is the most plausible one. In the annals of Nestor the Chronicler says that 2 000 years ago during the many attempts to spread Christianity in the Scythian territories Apostle Andrew came to the mountain and set a wooden cross and predicted the emergence in this place large Christian city. At the place later built a church which was called by his name - St. Andrew's Church.

Modern form of the baroque St. Andrew's church was created by great architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli. In connection with the visit to Kiev of Elizabeth I in 1744 laid the foundation of St. Andrew's church. In 1759 construction of the church was completely finished.

In the middle of Andrew's descent there is Neo-Gothic Castle of Richard the Lionheart.

Attraction of Andrew's descent is the house number 13 where lived the writer Mikhail Bulgakov - author of the novels "The White Guard", "Days of Turbin". The house is now a Museum of Bulgakov.

Also on Andrew's descent there is unique Museum called "One street". It presents the history of Andrew's Descent in paintings, photographs and other things from antiquity to the present.

Theater "The Wheel" opened its doors on 28 May 1988 and continues to delight visitors to this day.

Even Andrew's descent is considered a bastion of contemporary artists. It is a place of artists in Kiev, in Moscow - Old Arbat Street, in London - Soho, in Paris - Montmartre. Every day artists post their paintings on Andrew's descent, sell them and paint the new ones.

Andrew's descent - the second most important and famous streets in Kiev.

You could visit Kiev Sights - Andrew's Descent with Tour "Kiev Sights"

Pavel Korsun | Ukraine tours travel guide

Pavel Korsun
Tour Guide
Ukraine tours and Kiev tours

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