On 5th - 14th
of October 2013 on Khortytsia Island in Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine will be held Zaporizhzhya Cossacks Festival Intercession in Khortytsia 2013.
The festival aims the further development of Ukrainian national culture, promoting the traditions of Ukrainian Cossacks, opening Ukraine for foreign tourists and cultural exchange of experiences between countries.
Zaporizhzhya Cossacks Festival Intercession in Khortytsia 2013 Program
October 5, 2013
09:00 - opening of Intercession Fair 2013
13:30 - opening of Celebration of Day of Zaporizhzhya
October 6, 2013
14:00 - opening concert of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks Festival Intercession in Khortytsia 2013 on which will be performed cossack songs and dance by ensemble "The Cossacks" - students of Ukrainian federation "Spas"
14:30 - will start an International Tournament "Lava na Lavu" for the Cup of Yaroslav the Wise. In addition this day will set the record for the preparation of Ukraine largest "scherba" - cossackfresh-soup cooked for 333 persons
October 11, 2013
During day time - in equestrian theater "Zaporizhzhya Cossacks" familiarity with a variety of Cossack traditions, visiting of restoration pavilion of "Zaporizhzhya Chayka", review of the exhibits of ships and shipbuilding of XVIII century
18:30 - on Khortytsia Island will be organized theather show "Taras Bulba" by Theater named Magar
October 12, 2013
09:00 - on the "Cossack Circle" will be held on the celebration of Day of Ukrainian Cossacks in the historical and cultural complex "Zaporizhzhya Sich"
Next - concert with the participation of cultural groups and performers from 15 regions of Ukraine. The concert will open the National Presidential Orchestra of Ukraine
Next - reconstruction of the battle of cossacks
Organizers of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks Festival Intercession in Khortytsia 2013 on Khortytsia Island in Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
Department of Culture Zaporizhzhya City Council
Khortytsya Island
Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine