On 10th - 12th
of October 2013 in Kiev, Ukraine at at National Complex "Expocentre of Ukraine" will be held Agricultural Exhibition Farmer Ukraine 2013 - sixteen agricultural exhibition of equipment & supplies for farms and agricultural service cooperatives in Ukraine.
During Agricultural Exhibition Farmer Ukraine 2013 will be presentation of farming regions of Ukraine, meeting of Association of Farmers and Private Landowners of Ukraine, conference on co-operation, holiday wine, presentation of Belarusian agricultural machinery manufacturers, First National Congress of the young farmers of Ukraine "Agrarian Ukraine's future", roundtable on forward purchases of grain.
Schedule of work of Agricultural Exhibition Farmer Ukraine 2013
Official Opening: October 10, 2013 at 11:00
Exhibition work: October 10 - 10:00 - 18:00, October 11 - 10:00-18:00, October 12 - 10:00 - 17:00
The exposition of Agricultural Exhibition Farmer Ukraine 2013
- equipment & supplies for farms and agricultural service cooperatives
- new and commission machinery: machinery for tillage, application of organic and mineral fertilizers for crop cereals, legumes, vegetables and industrial crops, for the protection of chemical plants
- sprinklers to machinery, machinery for livestock feed, accessories and spare parts for agricultural machinery, technical service
- mechanization for small farms
- farmers of fruits and vegetables: technology for growing vegetables, fruits, berries, potatoes, greenhouse technology, storage technology, cooling and maintaining product quality, sorting, packaging and other modern means of pre-and post-harvest handling of fruits and vegetables, equipment for processing and packaging vegetables and fruit
- greenhouse construction, erection of buildings and warehouses
- equipment for processing agricultural products: grain cleaning equipment, grain dryers, mills, equipment for washing, drying, sorting, agricultural products, equipment for processing vegetable oils, refrigeration equipment, equipment for processing meat, milk
- equipment for quality assurance of agricultural products
- packaging/outputs: technologies, equipment and materials for packing, storage of equipment, weighing equipment
- machinery and equipment, feeds for livestock and poultry: for cultivation and animal care, ventilation and temperature control, hygiene animal feed and supplements, milking, dairy equipment
- veterinary medicine, biological products, tools and equipment
- seeds and seed
- ahrohymiya: pesticides, mineral and organic fertilizers, plant growth stimulants
- safty measures and occupation health
- agrarian economy and managment agricultural production: financial services, agroconsulting, extension services, agrarian management, quality management system
- agricultural technologies: investment and innovation, and advanced energy resource-saving technologies
- biotechnology
- bio-energetics
- ecological agriculture
Organizers of Agricultural Exhibition Farmer Ukraine 2013 in Kiev, Ukraine
Association of Farmers and Private Landowners of Ukraine, Union of agricultural service cooperatives Ukraine, All-Ukrainian Association of grapes and horticultural products, Association of Extension Services of Ukraine
National Complex "Expocentre of Ukraine"
Kiev, Ukraine