03.09 - 19.09.2021 in Chernobyl Zone take place Radiation Measurements by two Helicopters EC135 of Federal Police Air Squadron and on the ground by special Ukrainian and German joint research teams.
The main goal of the project of Federal Office of Radiation Protection (BfS) is to investigate radioactivity in Chernobyl Exclusion Zone and remap contamination 35 years after Chernobyl Reactor 4 accident: levels of radioactivity, type and quantity of substances deposited on the ground which are responsible for the radiation.
Actual measurements take place only on Ukrainian territory of Chernobyl Zone and not includes contamination zone of Republic of Belarus.
In the project are involved more than 100 specialists of different levels, two helicopters Eurocopter EC135 of Federal Police Air Squadron with twelve helicopter pilots and specialists of BfS on board, twenty special vehicles-laboratories, drone as well as four ground measurement teams made up of experts of Federal Office of Radiation Protection (BfS) and State Specialized Enterprise "Ecocentre".
Two helicopters Eurocopter EC135 fly over Chernobyl Zone during 120 hours in total with 4-6 hours of flights everyday depends on weather conditions. Base on words of helicopter pilots Manuela Uhlig (2300 hours) and Silvio Renneberg (2600 hours) each shift flying 1 hour and 30 minutes and then change.
The radiation measurements from EC135 going at the altitude of 100 meters with the equipment that let to monitor same time the area of 500 meters in diameter on the ground.
Actually the fleet of Federal Police Air Squadron includes 10 helicopters H120, 19 helicopters H155, 19 helicopters AS322 L1 Super Puma, 4 helicopters H215, 42 helicopters H135.
It is first time in history of Chernobyl Zone after collapse of USSR the radiation measurement have such a large scales - around 200 points on the territory of Chernobyl Zone will be tested. Ground measurments will serve to ensure the quality of the helicopter radiation measurement. They organized by special equipment that from one meter above the ground covers rediation measurment of area of 30 meters in diameter.
Base on words of ground team specialist Daniel Esch the probes are taken with the special boar to the depth up to 15 cm, next cut in 6 peaces depends on the level, mark with the point coordinates and transfer to the laboratories for future investigation.
After the tests the ground probes are kept in special storages of State Specialized Enterprise "Ecocentre".
Also the ground team is included a specialist that walking inside squares of 50 to 50 meters with the radiation measurement equipment in the backpack to ensure the quality of the results.
Special vehicles-laboratories of State Specialized Enterprise "Ecocentre" provide radiation monitoring of main roads by two quality dosimeters without stop. Also the vehicles are equipped with monitoring systems of air and water contamination.
The results of radiation monitoring are transfered by Internet to database of Federal Office of Radiation Protection (BfS) and also will be handed over to Ukrainian partners for futher use.
In April 2022 there are optimistic plans to organize scientific conference which will present the actual results.
We expect future cooperation of German and Ukrainian teams in joint projects in Chernobyl Zone!
Organizers of Radiation Measurements in Chernobyl Zone
State Agency for Exclusion Zone Management, State Specialized Enterprise Ecocentre, Federal Office of Radiation Protection (BfS), Federal Police Air Squadron
Chernobyl Zone
Chernobyl, Ukraine |