Uber Odessa start taxi service in Odessa on 02.02.2017 |
Fees for tariff UberX in Odessa: supply of taxi - 5 UAH (around 0.17 USD), transfer in Odessa city - 4.50 UAH (around 0.16 USD) per kilometer. Citizens and tourists of Odessa could pay for taxi service in cash or using a registered credit card in Uber app. Uber Odessa users can find out the estimated cost of travel before order confirmation. After each trip the user will receive an email which will contain information about address of taxi supply, route map of the trip, inormation about the driver and detailed cost. Odessans and tourists can take advantage of opportunity of free trips around Odessa by the end of February 5, 2017. It is needed to enter promotional code "ODESSA". Promo code let to get five free trips (up to 75 UAH each - around 2.6 USD) to any user of Uber Odessa to 23:59 of February 5, 2017. Organizers of Uber Odessa
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