in Lviv will take place Christmas and New Year 2017 Holidays of Christmas market, Christmas tree, entertainment and various performances and shows for children and adults.
New Year and Christmas holidays in Lviv is an unique time of year when tourists and visitors are immersed in an atmosphere of wonder and give each other feelings of an unforgettable fairy tale.
Update! Lviv Christmas and New Year 2022 Program!
Lviv Christmas and New Year 2017 Holidays Program
Opening of Christmas Fair | 10th-16th of December 2016
December 10, 2016
For years Lviv Christmas Fair is epicenter of celebrations of Christmas in Lviv. Svobody Avenue and Market Square transformed into stylized Christmas village with wooden houses and New Year and Christmas illuminations. Here tourists could enjoy genuine Galician cuisines and find exclusive souvenirs for good memories of Ukraine.
December 12, 2016
- St. Andrew's evenings celebration.
- Girls gatherings "Night on St. Andrew's Eve", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Ethno-party "Mold and Taste on St. Andrew's Eve". Common telling, cooking dumplings and ethnic evening in mysterious atmosphere, Sensoteka, Ulas Samchuk st., 22.
- Ethno gatherings "St. Andrew Evenings". Together with NGO "Golden Years" (people's fun, songs, divination), Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Lviv night tour on Andrew's Eve - entertainment, youth fun and jokes, Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Life "Shevchenko Grove".
- Girls fun on Andrew's Eve, People's House "Zboyischa", Murovana st., 32.
December 13-18, 2016
Christmas show "Princess-Jumper". A fairy tale for children of secondary school age, Lviv Drama Theatre named Lesya Ukrainka, Great Scene, Horodotska st., 36.
December 14, 2016
"Workshop of Snow Queen" - a game of snow-sculpture, Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
December 15, 2016
- Vernissage-fun "Winter holidays in paintings of famous artists", Central children's library, Okunevskoho st., 3
- Ethnology program "All loving heart of St. Nicholas", Library branch №21, Sholem Aleichem st., 14
December 16, 2016
- St. Nicholas holiday "Walk of Saint Nicholas", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Art-hour "Letter to St. Nicholas", Library-branch №10, Zaliznyaka st., 5.
Opening of Christmas Tree | 17th-20th of December 2016
December 17-18, 2016
"Music Joiner". Classical music. Lviv Drama Theatre named Lesya Ukrainka. Joiner's Workshop of Theatre, Horodotska st., 36.
December 18, 2016
- Opening of Christmas Tree, Svobody Avenue, 17:30-19:00.
- Fun for Kids "Funny sled on Bilohorshcha", People's House of Bilohorshcha, Bilogorska st., 23.
- Competition-secret for St. Nicholas Day "He walk at night by dreams and charms with fairy tales", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Workshop "Christmas ornaments with own hands", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Family holiday "I help Nicholas", Library branch №11, Horodotska st., 73.
- Literary and musical festival "Waiting for Christmas!", Library-branch №13, Prince Roman st., 32.
- Christmas show "Princess-Jumper". A fairy tale for children of secondary school age, Lviv Drama Theatre named Lesya Ukrainka, Great Scene, Horodotska st., 36.
December 18-19, 2016
- "St. Nicholas in the grove". Theatrical fantastic tour. St. Nicholas to his birthday party settled in Shevchenko Grove a hut where together with the angels preparing for a meeting with young children, Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Life "Shevchenko Grove".
- Musical tale "Adventures of St. Nicholas" performed by choir "Dudaryk" together with "Rock Jrchestra", Copernicus st., 27.
- Theatrical performance "Saint Nicholas, I'm waiting!", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Holiday "Whitening of snow grove - comming St. Nicholas". Inclusive holiday of Day of St. Nicholas with workshop and goodies, Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Library fun "Magic St. Nicholas Day", Library-branch №42, Paton st., 4/2.
- Family holiday "St. Nicholas were all waiting ...". Theatrical show for the whole family, People's House "Zboyischa", Murovana st., 32.
December 20, 2016
- Workshop of local masters "Christmas paper decorations", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Family holiday "Melody of silver bells", Library branch №9, Lychakivska st. , 189.
December 21, 2016
- "Night of St. Nicholas is funny and charming". Theatrical performance of music and drama studio "Starlings", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
December 22, 2016
- Workshop "Beautiful decorations for Christmas", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Skype-Workshop "Christmas fashion", Central Children's Library, Multicenter "Stick", Okunevskoho st., 3.
- Exhibition "From St. Nicholas to Christmas". On display in exhibition hall of Children's Art School named Nowakowski.
December 23, 2016
- "Fashion Tree" - meeting with students of Lviv State School of Physical Education (children from different regions of Ukraine), Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
Catholic Christmas | 24th-26th of December 2016
December 25, 2016
- Workshop "Good spirit of Didukh", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Workshop "Christmas Decorations", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Theatrical performance "Twelve months", Central Children's Library, Okunevskoho st., 3.
December 26, 2016y
- Session "Christmas and New Year in the world", Library-branch №11, Horodotska st., 73.
- New Year's Boom "Silver Bellsin the City", Library branch №19, Symonenko st., 10.
- Game panorama "Winter carousel", Library-branch №27, Khmelnytskoho st., 175.
December 27, 2016
- Fairy performance "Oh snow, white snow poured winter", Library-branch №3, Khvilyovoho st., 3.
- New Year's Confetti "Tiptoe Winter Walk", Library branch №4, Antonenko-Davidovich st., 10.
- Literary room "Come the night before Christmas", Library branch №27, Khmelnytskoho st., 175.
- Literary breakfast "Christmas wizards", Library branch №35, Shevchenko st., 2.
New Year's Eve | 28th of December 2016 - 2nd of January 2017
New Year's Eve - unique New Year celebration on Market Square: jazz party and New Year countdown at Lviv Town Hall. Also New Year celebrations will be held in Park of Culture and Rest named Bohdan Khmelnitsky.
December 28, 2016
- Holiday Kaleidoscope "Hasten New Year...", Library-branch №42, Paton st., 4/2.
- Winter Vernissage "It comes January-New Year", Library-branch №36, Mishugi st., 3.
- Winter Lace "Three Christmas Wishes", Library-branch №29, Bryukhovychi, Independence of Ukraine st., 31.
- Fabulous turns "Weaving winter holidays", Library-branch №26, Okruzhna st., 29.
- Art site "Christmas Fantasy", Library-branch №13, Prince Roman st., 32.
- Puppet show "Christmas story", Library branch №9, Lychakivska st., 189.
- Flash Relay "Christmas maze", Central Children's Library, Okunevskoho st, 3.
December 29, 2016
- Workshop on eco-recycling "Christmas Decorations Inexpensively", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Workshop of making Christmas decorations on base of ancient traditional of Ukrainian ornaments, Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Winter Rendezvous "Flying to the meeting with many faces New Year...", Library branch №3, Khvilyovoho st., 3.
- Astrological confetti "Waiting for Fire Rooster", Library-branch №11, Horodotska st., 73.
- Literary and musical performance "Winter's Tale", Library-branch №22, Petlyury st., 41.
December 30, 2016
- Game show 'Christmas Fun" - contests, quizzes, games, library for adults, Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Game-race "Christmas Field of Dreams", Library-branch №35, Shevchenko st., 2.
- Informative and entertaining collage "With call comes New Year", Library-branch №24, Dniprovska st., 11.
- Online-travel "New Year bustling in the world", Library-branch №11, Horodotska st., 73.
December 30-31, 2016
Play "When the angels descend on earth", Theater "Resurrection" in Courtyard of City Town Hall, Market Square, 1
Christmas Celebration | 3rd-10th of January 2017
January 3, 2017
- ''Tale of Christmas Night" - an exhibition of children's art works: paintings, paper decorations, Christmas decorations, Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- "New Year wishes from beloved hero" - costume play, improvisation and aqua makeup, Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Christmas competition for students "Christmas decorations by own hands", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Holiday "New Year congratulates", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- "What Fire Rooster year prepare for us?" - information workshop about Year of Fire Rooster, Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Workshop for young readers "Christmas Decorations", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Christmas Mystery "Radio all now", Library branch №4, Antonenko-Davidovich st., 10.
- Creative studio "Silver snow, fluffy snow", Library-branch №10, Zaliznyaka st., 5.
- Web-journey "Visit to Santa Claus!", Library-branch №11, Horodotska st., 73.
- Holiday Lace "Light joy of Christmas miracle", Library-branch №27, Khmelnytskoho st., 175.
- Christmas turns "By countries of in the world", Library-branch №35, Shevchenko st., 2.
January 4, 2017
- Book blizzard "Christmas Miracle", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Winter Cinema "Relax cartoons", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- "Christmas stories from bookcase" - audio time and reading of fairy tales, Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Literary breakfast "Fallen Christmas Snow", Library branch №42, Paton st., 4/2.
- Literary and artistic mix "Christmas angel", Library branch №27, Khmelnytskoho st., 175.
- Literary slam tournament "Christmas blizzard", Library-branch №26, Okruzhna st., 29.
- Ethnographic gatherings "Christmas star", Library-branch №24, Dniprovska st., 11.
- Workshop "Christmas wreath", Library branch №4, Antonenko-Davidovich st., 10.
- Festive fun "Time of carol", Central Children's Library, Okunevskoho st., 3.
- Wandering game "We have the New Year!", People's House "Zboyischa", Mukovana st., 32.
January 5, 2017
- Coloring of Christmas cakes - hand-made decoration by glaze, Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Quiz "Christmas", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Master class on making Christmas Spider "Christmas Spider - talisman for the family", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Online-quest "Angels work on Christmas", Central Children's Library, Multicenter "Stick", Okunevskoho st., 3.
- Holiday Fantasy "Christmas ornaments", Library-branch №11, Horodotska st., 73.
- "Christmas stories" - creative workshop on handmade Christmas wreaths, Library-branch №11, Horodotska st., 73.
- Competition of New Year's cards "Weave winter a lace of snowflakes", Library-branch №35, Shevchenko st., 2.
January 6, 2017
- Set of Christmas Didukh at 11:30-12:00 on Jaworskoho Square.
Didukh is the main symbol of New Year and Christmas. Didukh - a sheaf of wheat symbolizing the coming of the ancestors. In Lviv city center held a festive procession with carols.
- Etno game "Cover Christmas Table", Library-branch №11, Horodotska st., 73.
- Christmas Eve, Lviv Children Art School "Dudaryk", Copernicus st.,27.
January 7, 2017
Liturgy on Christmas, Lviv Children Art School "Dudaryk", Copernicus st.,27.
January 7-10, 2017
Holiday of Dumplings on Museum Square.
On stage of the holiday will be traditional competitions including a competition for the best hostess "Tasty donut" and a competition for the best nativity scenes.
January 7-11, 2017
"Christmas in Grove" - traditional Christmas events starts in Lviv Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Life. Tourists coud fell the atmosphere of ancient village where houses are full of family comfort. For
two festive days tourists can look at performances of nativity scenes, caroling creative teams of the city, "Holiday move of Christmas star-keepers" on central streets of Lviv, presenting of Christmas stars, participate in winter games and contests, Ukrainian amusements and traditional folk dances and a ride on sleds during a sightseeing tour in
Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Life "Shevchenko Grove".
January 8-9, 2017
Christmas miracles in Theater of Lesia. Courtyard of Theatre, Small Stage of Lviv Drama Theater named Lesya Ukrainka, Horodotska st., 36.
January 8, 2017
- Walk of Christmas star-keepers, Market Square - Svobody Square.
- "Christmas in Lviv" - walking tour to the observation deck ofHigh Castle, meeting at Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
January 9, 2017
- "From St. Nicholas to Christmas - from Christmas to Epiphany", "New Year streamer" - cartoons and songs about New Year, Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Competition of carols for children "Christmas unrepeatable moments", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Folk gatherings "Carols at Christmas'', Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Christmas Mosaic "Holiday! Snow! Winter! Christmas!", Library-branch №36, Mishugi st., 3.
- Competition "Whose kutia is delicious?", Library-branch №3, Khvilyovoho st., 3.
- Hour of holiday temptations "Honey, poppy seeds, wheat - sweet tradition", Central Children's Library, Okunevskoho st., 3.
January 9-10, 2017
- IX Ukrainian art festival-competition "Diverse Gems", Lviv Drama Theatre named Lesya Ukrainka, Great scene, Horodotska st., 36.
January 10, 2017
- "Christmas Carol-Gift» - non-stop storytelling, Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Game-quiz "Winter Whirlwind" - iIntroducing for children traditions of New Year celebrations in way of game-quiz, Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Navity Scenes together with a logo "Happy Family", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- "Let New Year, Christmas give you fabulous days..." - exhibition-contest of children's drawings, Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Exhibition of arts and crafts "Christmas Tale", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Workshop of applications "Christmas card", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Holiday carols "Melodies of Christmas", Central Children's Library, Okunevskoho st., 3.
- New Year's confetti "Winter holidays", Library-branch №10, Zaliznyaka st., 5.
- Entertaining and informative quick-time "Let's talk about New Year...", Library branch №19, Symonenko st., 10.
- "Eve, traditions, symbols, rituals", Library-branch №22, Petlyury st., 41.
- Christmas show "Around the world was the news...", Library-branch №29, Bryukhovychi, Independence of Ukraine st., 31.
Old New Year and Malanka | 11th-16th of January 2017
January 11, 2017
- Master-class on making Christmas decorations "Diva of paper", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Competition "Snow Entertainment", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Ethnology Kaleidoscope "Christmas and New Year holidays in Ukraine",Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Show of Native Scenes "In radiance of Christmas star", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Day of Christmas gifts, Library branch №9, Lychakivska st., 189.
January 12, 2017
- "Let Christmas in your house will bring much good". Folk gatherings with the participation of music bank "Pre-dawn Fire", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Navity Scenes "Christmas Extravaganza", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- Workshop of papier mache "Christmas bell", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- "Christmas Mystery of Nikolai Gogol", Central Children's Library, Okunevskoho st., 3.
January 14, 2017
Christmas concert, Lviv Christmas Art School "Dudaryk", Copernicus st., 27.
January 15, 2017
- Carols on open air, Culture and Art Center "Satellite", People's House Levandivky, Shiroka st., 1.
- Great Christmas show at 16:00 Christmas Nativity Scenes and carols - choir "Levada" and folk band "Retro",People's House Levandivky, Shiroka st., 1.
- Carols on Ryasne, Shevchenko st., 390.
- Malanka fun "Oh carol, carols", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- From house to house caroling we go and welcome people with disabilities, Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- "Christmas Magic" - art journey for students, Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
- "Little carolers", Library branch №13, Prince Roman st., 32.
- Day of family vacation "Caroling, Caroling", Library branch №42, Paton st., 4/2.
January 16, 2017 "Day of dumplings in the library", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
Epiphany | 17th - 28th of January 2017
January 17, 2017
Quiz "Crystal bell winter", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
January 19, 2017
- Feast of Epiphany. Blessing of water, Market Square, 1.
Traditionally in Ukraine Blessing of Water is performed with participation of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kiev Patriarchate, Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Armenian Apostolic Church and Roman Catholic Church.
- Competition for the most delicious dumplings, Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
20 January, 2017
Literary quiz game "Adventures in Christmas night", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
January 22, 2017
Loud reading "Winter Magic", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
January 23, 2017
"Winter came with gifts for good holidays" - theatrical puppet nativity scenes of Music and Drama Studio "Starlings", Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
January 24, 2017
Christmas gatherings "From Roman to Jordan" - familiarization with traditions of celebrating Christmas holidays), Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
January 25, 2017
Christmas show "For this night Christ was born" - popularization of Ukrainian folk traditions, creating children pictures and a festive mood, Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
January 25-26, 2017
Christmas concerts "Echoes of Christmas of Lviv Children and Art School "Dudaryk", Copernicus st., 27.
January 28, 2017
Presentation of children's drawings "Winter Extravaganza" Library for adults, Lviv library for adults, Mulyarska st., 2a.
Organizers of Christmas New Year 2017 Holidays
Lviv City Administration
Lviv City Center
Lviv, Ukraine