25th - 27th
of October 2017 in Kiev will take place Kyiv Trans Ukraine Exhibition including specialized exhibitions InterStorage, Rail Expo UA and TIR 2017.
Venue of the event is International Exhibition Center, 15, Brovarskyi Ave., Kyiv, Ukraine.
Kyiv Trans Ukraine Exhibition is all about transport, logistics, infrastructure, storage in Ukraine. The exhibition lets traffic and logistic experts communicate and share experience that let accelerating Ukraine integration into European transport system.
Ukraine is geographically located at the intersection of Europe - Asia transport corridors and extensive traffic flows between Western market and Eastern market.
InterStorage Exhibition
- Production equipment and handling facilities
- loaders
- stackers
- cranes and crane equipment
- winches
- rope products
- belt conveyors
- pallet trucks
- other lifting-transport machines, devices and units
- Storehouse systems
- designing and construction
- automated storehouses
- storehouse and merchant construction elements
- multi-profile racks
- euro-pallet racks
- designing, mounting, adjustment and alignment storehouse equipment
- cargo allocation and packing
- industrial scales
- sliding doors and gates
- Automated storehouse systems
- automated storehouse management systems
- data processing systems
- cargo security systems
- marking systems and stroke-codes
Rail Expo UA Exhibition
- Freight and passenger rail transportation
- Production of rolling stock and components
- Production of locomotives
- Railway logistics companies
- Design and construction of railways, infrastructure facilities
- Maintenance of railways and infrastructure, signal equipment
- Equipment and services for electrification of roads and electricity supply
- Equipment and services for repair and maintenance of rolling stock, locomotives
- Electronic components and modules, electrical and electrical engineering
- Information systems, fare systems
- Design, construction and equipping of stations and passenger depots
- Traffic control
- Security systems
- Leasing, insurance and other financial services
- Consulting services, trade training
TIR 2017 Exhibition
- Automobiles
- trucks
- light trucks
- dumpers
- truck tractors
- Buses
- city buses
- coaches and tourist buses
- minibuses
- Transport
- Special:
- fire-fighting vehicle
- emergency
- towing techniques
- techniques for the environment preservation
- systems for combination transport traffic
- Industrial:
- Electro-transport
- Trailers
- Vans
- Cisterns
- Spare parts, transport facilities maintenance and repairing means
- Tires, tires repair, mechanical rubber goods
- Security and insurance
- Automodels
- Special literature, mass-media
Organizers of Kyiv Trans Ukraine Exhibition
Premier Expo
International Exhibition Center
Kiev, Ukraine