23th - 24th
of September 2017 in Dnipro will take place Dnipro Auto Retro Show on the territory of National Center for Aerospace Education of Youth named after Aleksandr Makarov.
Exhibition of Dnipro Auto Retro Show will present both the legendary classic and vintage cars of American, German (European) and Soviet automotive industry of the last century as well as exclusive copies of XXI century - about 150 vehicles.
Dnipro Auto Retro Show Program
23.09.2017, Saturday
09:30 - 17:00 - work of the exhibition
10:00 - 16:00 - choice of viewers of the 10 best retro cars of exhibition DARS 2017
10:00 - children's painting on the car "Uncle" - Moskvich 407 car is given for coloring it with gouache
10:00 - 13:00 - contests for children on the history of utomobile industry and Dnipro city
11:00 - demonstration performances of cadets of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs
11:30 - free tour of exhibition of retro cars with guide from Museum "Time Machines". Visitors could learn about the most interesting classic and vintafe cars of DARS 2017
12:00 - Race "Only ZAZ" - column of "ZAZ" cars departure on the route of streets of Dnipro
12:30 - 14:30 - cinema at National Center for Aerospace Education of Youth named after Aleksandr Makarov with documentary and feature films of 80's on an authentic 16 mm film
13:00 - competition "Rubber ZAZ"
13:30 - free tour of exhibition of retro cars with guide from Museum "Time Machines". Visitors could learn about the most interesting classic and vintafe cars of DARS 2017
14:00 - competition "Retro Foam Washing"
15:00 - demonstration of prohibitive possibilities of off-road cars from Club 4x4 with Maxim Yatsuk
15:30 - free tour of exhibition of retro cars with guide from Museum "Time Machines". Visitors could learn about the most interesting classic and vintafe cars of DARS 2017
16:00 - awarding:
- happy participants of DARS 2017 - 1st, 50th, 100th, 150th
- "Rubber ZAZ" winners
- nomination "40+" - three most beautiful cars made before 1977
- award of 10 retro cars chosen by the audience
17:00 Closing of the first day of Dnipro Auto Retro Show
24.09.2017, Sunday
10:00 - 17:00 - work of the exhibition
10:00 - children's painting on the car "Uncle" - Moskvich 407 car is given for coloring it with gouache
10:00 - 13:00 - contests for children on the history of utomobile industry and Dnipro city
10:30 - "DrakBeer" - racing for acceleration on distance of 60 meters. The car is rolled from starting line by power of 5 people and the crew is the first to cross the finish line without using an internal combustion engine are winners
11:30 - free tour of exhibition of retro cars with guide from Museum "Time Machines". Visitors could learn about the most interesting classic and vintafe cars of DARS 2017
11:30 - 13:30 - cinema at National Center for Aerospace Education of Youth named after Aleksandr Makarov with documentary and feature films of 80's on an authentic 16 mm film
12:00 - competition "Mechanic of Formula-1" are allowed only cars with 4 wheels with a standard factory hub, mechanical jack and a spare wheel. The winner is the one who will quickly replace the wheel on the car and drive off by 2 meters.
13:00 - awarding of the winners of "Mechanic of Formula-1", presentation of diplomas and gifts. Awarding of the winners of the races for the acceleration "DrakBeer"
13:15 - competition "Moto Slalom" - race on time on a specially created track with obstacles on a motorcycle in two classes up to 125 cm3 and more. The judging committee will consist of veterans of motorsport
13:30 - free tour of exhibition of retro cars with guide from Museum "Time Machines". Visitors could learn about the most interesting classic and vintafe cars of DARS 2017
14:30 - awarding:
- award of 10 retro cars chosen by the audience
- winners of competition "Moto Slalom"
15:00 - demonstration of prohibitive possibilities of off-road cars from Club 4x4 with Maxim Yatsuk
15:30 - free tour of exhibition of retro cars with guide from Museum "Time Machines". Visitors could learn about the most interesting classic and vintafe cars of DARS 2017
16:00 - awarding of participants from organizers of exhibition Dnipro Auto Retro Show.
Gift "mini scooter" for one of happy participants
17:00 - departure of participants
Dnipro Auto Retro Show Tickets
Adult: 60 UAH (2 Euro)
Children (6 - 14 years old): 30 UAH (1 Euro)
Children (under 6 years old): free of charge
Organizers of Dnipro Auto Retro Show in Dnipro
Dnipro Auto Retro Show Team
National Center for Aerospace Education of Youth named after Aleksandr Makarov
Dnipro, Ukraine