17th of March 2016
Odessa City Council approved Program of Odessa Tourism Development 2016 - 2020 - the plan of city tourism growth in the next five years.
Tourism of Odessa is rapidly integrating into global tourism industry becoming tangible value to the local economy. Every tourist who visits Odessa leaving some investments in the city.
Tourist industry is a strategic branch of Odessa as the city has all prerequisites for intensive development of domestic and foreign tourism: features geographical location, favorable climate, the largest seaport of Ukraine, resort and recreation complexes, transport, financial, social and cultural infrastructure.
In 2014-2015 years Odessa travel services specialized mainly in domestic tourism. All tourism industry worked to create a supportive and safe environment in the city. Great attention was also paid to cooperation of local authorities, tourism businesses and the public. As a result Odessa tourist season in 2015 was very successful.
In 2015 Odessa with business and tourism goals have visited 1.5 million tourists that is 1.3 times more than in 2012.
Currently in Odessa there are 239 hotels and hostels with a total 14 576 beds.
There were number of events (festivals, exhibitions, conferences, press tours) which contributed an additional attraction of tourists to Odessa in 2015. Thus in 2015 held about 200 different festivals, conferences and exhibitions which is two times more than in 2014.
Main Objectives of Program of Odessa Tourism Development 2016 - 2020
- Increase the tourist flow
- Improving competitiveness of Odessa tourism providing opportunities and comfortable conditions for tourists and visitors
- Promoting tourism in Odessa on the national and international markets
- Developing innovative programs to increase the number of workers in tourism branch
- Creation, preservation and rational use of historical and cultural heritage and natural potential of Odessa
During 2016-2020 years will work Odessa Tourist Information Centres.
There will be further content updates of Odessa official travel site. It is planned Days of Odessa in the cities of Ukraine and other countries in the project "Odessa is going to visit", organization of press tours for the media to promote the tourism product, organization of international tourism workshops, seminars and conferences.
In 2016 it is planned to participate in projects of European Union to obtain grants.
The estimated funding of Program of Odessa Tourism Development 2016 - 2020 is 19 375 000 UAH (around 718 000 US dollars).
The program will take place during 2016-2020 years and is divided into two stages:
The first stage in 2016-2017 years.
2016 - 3 995 000 UAH (around 148 000 US dollars)
2017 - 3 945 000 UAH (around 146 000 US dollars)
The second stage in 2018-2020 years.
2018 - 3,945,000 UAH (around 146 000 US dollars)
2019 - 3,745,000 UAH (around 139 000 US dollars)
2020 - 3,745,000 UAH (around 139 000 US dollars)
Activities of Program of Odessa Tourism Development 2016 - 2020
- Development of Odessa Tourist Information Centres
- Implementation of Odessa Tourist Card
- Implementation of project of assistance to tourists with free information by city volunteers
- Implementation of QR-codes on sights and attractions of city tourist routes
- Creation and implementation of Odessa 3D-tours
- Organization of surveys, questionnaires of tourists and visitors of Odessa
- Development and installation of information booths which marked major attractions of tourist visits
- Production and installation of tourist information signs that inform the nearest objects of tourist visiting
- Implementation of project on tourism for people with disabilities
- Creation and support of Congress Bureau
- Maintenance and promotion of Odessa tourist site (update information, development of new sections, advertising and promotion in Internet)
- Development of mobile app "Odessa Guide"
- Promotion of tourist products of Odessa in social media
- Organization of press tours for the media in Ukraine and other countries
- Placement of tourism advertising tourism logo on promotional materials about Odessa in Ukrainian cities
- Promotion of Odessa tourist city using the logo (production and promotion of films and videos about the city) and photographs
- Create and print brochures, booklets, guides, calendar of annual festivals and tourist events in Odessa
- Development and production of multilingual advertising-information guides about tourism potential of Odessa
- Project "Honorary Ambassadors of Odessa"
- Development and production of souvenir products using Odessa logo
- Celebration program of World Tourism Day in Odessa
- Odessa promo tours for representatives of cities of Ukraine and other countries
- Study and implementation of best practices in tourism sector attracting international experts
- Membership in international organizations to promote tourism cooperation with NGOs and municipalities for cross-border cooperation
- Organization of Days of Odessa in Ukraine and other cities around the world to learn about the cultural and tourist potential of Odessa
- Organization of congresses, forums, conferences, seminars, round tables, workshops to promote the development of tourism in Odessa
- Participation of representatives of Odessa in exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad
- Co-financing for grants of European Union
Organizer of Program of Odessa Tourism Development 2016 - 2020
Odesa City Council
Odesa Town Hall
Odesa, Ukraine