29th - 30th
of November 2016 in Lviv will take place III Ukrainian SPA-Summit 2016 "Carpathian SPA-Summit 2016" - main event of Union of Professionals of Spa, Resorts and Wellness-objects of Ukraine.
Carpathian SPA-Summit 2016 will take place in hotel "George" in large conference room by address Kopernyka Str.,17.
SPA-Summit has the format of conference - workshops and training of the highest level established for exclusive knowledge, experience sharing, meetings and negotiations, promotion and discuss about new projects.
Speakers of SPA-Summit are recognized industry experts, members of Union of Professionals of SPA as well as invited international experts of SPA, Wellness, hospitality and related industries.
Carpathian SPA-Summit 2016 Mission
- increasing commercial opportunities in SPA, Beauty and Wellness for summit participants by providing relevant information to build a modern service and loyalty programs
- creation of actual service centers for effective promotion of SPA and Wellness-business in Western Ukraine taking into account target audience of clients and tourist flows, demand and preferences of client groups and levels of qualification requirements for staff.
Carpathian SPA-Summit 2016 Purpose
- unite in event program managers of SPA & Wellness
- promote training of professionals and staff of SPA & Wellness to new modern standards of service
- help managers and owners of SPA & Wellness objects to create and implement business processes competitive
- offer service programs to enhance the attractiveness of business proposals and programs of SPA & Wellness for both Ukrainian and foreign tourists.
Carpathian SPA-Summit 2016 Program
Day 1. Block 1.
"Creating concept, construction, standard configuration of SPA & Wellness - space, effective advertising and promotion"
1. Standard configuration, equipment and facilities of SPA & Wellness. Impact of configuration on profitability and efficiency.
2. Why are needed Welcome-zones and photo-zones in SPA & Wellness. Conceptual decoration of building in SPA & Wellness, effect of decoration, photo-zones to promote and sell products and services.
3. Effective PR of SPA & Wellness. New methods of effective selling of SPA & Wellness products and services. Major mistakes when writing of PR-plan.
4. Practical cases.
Day 1. Block 2.
"Staff SPA & Wellness"
1. "Difficulties of choice". System of recruitment of SPA & Wellness.
2. "Effective interview" or how in 20 minutes to understand whether this job seeker will be effective in the team.
3. Job descriptions, qualification requirements - necessary or not. How to use them in practice.
4. Create an effective motivational policies of SPA & Wellness-space.
5. Curriculum. Create and test its effectiveness.
6. Team. Fashionable term or a real necessity. What to start.
7. Practical cases.
Day 2. Block 1. "Marketing, management, effective sales and service"
1. Marketing of SPA & Wellness. What to begin. Test plans and activities. Recent programs and activities.
2. Range of competence in SPA & Wellness for marketing and manager. Feedback and communication with staff and customers. Working group on implementation of marketing activities in SPA & Wellness.
3. How to start selling of SPA & Wellness. What resources are sold and which only require budgetary outlays. Tools of sales of SPA & Wellness.
4. Profitable Beauty and SPA & Wellness Salon in hotels and resorts. Plan to solve major problems.
5. Practical cases.
Day 2. Block 2.
"Global Events SPA & Wellness in Ukraine. Relevance and benefits to participants"
1. World Day of Wellness in Ukraine 2017. Action plan, participants and creating an effective advertising plan of the event.
2. Spa Assembly 2017 and participation in Ukrainian SPA & Wellness Professional AWARD-2017.
3. Union of suppliers of SPA - round table. Closing ceremony of SPA-2016 summit. Presentation of diplomas.
Organizers of Carpathian SPA-Summit 2016
Union of SPA & Wellness of Ukraine
Hotel "George"
Lviv, Ukraine